News12 Interviews Professor Rossi Hassad on COVID-19 Vaccine; MedPage Today Publishes Rossi Hassad’s Op-Ed “Why You Should Trust the COVID Vax”

Professor Rossi Hassad

Marking the anniversary of New York City’s first coronavirus case, News12 interviewed BԪ Professor Rossi Hassad, MPH, Ph.D. to reflect on the past year and discuss what to expect moving forward. In the segment, Hassad addresses the initial causes of the public health crisis, encourages vaccinations and emphasizes the importance of continuing to safeguard against the virus.

To view the full News12 segment, “Doctor encourages New Yorkers to get vaccinated on 1-year mark since city’s first COVID case,” please .

In addition, MedPage Today published Hassad’s opinion editorial, “Why You Should Trust the COVID Vax.” In the piece, Hassad discusses the multiple factors and influences that may contribute to vaccine hesitancy to better inform practitioners when engaging in related conversations with their clients and patients.

To read the full op-ed, please .