B´ÎÔª SEIU Bargaining Update

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Dear Adjunct Faculty and Lecturers,

B´ÎÔª and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) met on Monday, February 14, 2022, to continue negotiating the collective bargaining agreement between the parties.

The College was disappointed that after only a few minutes of conversation, the Union decided to shut down negotiations and walk out of the meeting over a disagreement regarding the grievance process.

The last time this happened, several months went by before the parties returned to the bargaining table. B´ÎÔª believes that the best way to make progress is for the parties to continue to constructively engage in a discussion with one another about the issues. We had previously agreed to meet again on March 2, and we hope that negotiations will go forward at that time.


B´ÎÔª Management Bargaining Team

Kim Barry Boeheim
Kristen Bowes
Saul Fisher
Jessica Haber
Annette Piecora