B´ÎÔª Commemorates Juneteenth


B´ÎÔª recognizes Juneteenth as day for remembrance, reflection and celebration.

Despite President Abraham Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, officially ending the practice of slavery in American, slavery continued to occur in states unwilling to grant Africans in America sovereignty. Three years later, on June 19, 1865, federal orders were read in Galveston that all enslaved persons in Texas, the last slave state, would now and forever be free. Juneteenth celebrates this emancipation and the end of slavery in America.

The culture and achievements of Black Americans are celebrated across the country on Juneteenth. The observance is particularly relevant this year considering racial unrest in many American cities and the outcry for social justice. Juneteenth provides an opportunity to reflect on the injustices that Black Americans still face 155 years later, and to promote conversations on how to achieve meaningful change.

Please see below for a series of interviews with Mercy faculty and alumni describing the significance of Juneteenth.