Largest Freshman Class in Mercy History

Maverick Magazine
Mercy's largest freshman class

This year’s freshman class set the record as Mercy’s largest EVER. And now they’re moving up to start their second year in the fall. Read more to learn who’s who on campus!

This fall, Mercy welcomed the largest freshman class in its history to its campuses. The 2023–2024 class of nearly 1,200 students represents a 28% increase over the previous year, fueled by record applications and campus visits, and reflects the University’s significant programmatic and campus improvements.

"This year’s record-breaking freshman class is just one of the magnificent changes happening with our new university status,” said Susan L. Parish, Ph.D., M.S.W., president of BԪ. “We have ambitious goals to redefine higher education, and we’re delighted that so many see the value of attending Mercy to pursue their degrees and jump into their careers."

Sophia Resolme

Sophia Resolme

Sophia Resolme

Major: Marketing | Minor: Data Analytics
Sophia grew up performing in theater. She starred as Jane in “Mary Poppins” at the age of 10. One of her dreams is to eventually go back to California, where she grew up, and help her dad run the theater he founded. 

Derek Long

Derek Long

Derek Long

Derek is deciding on a major but leaning toward exercise science. He’s always
participated in sports and physical activity, so understanding how the human
body works comes naturally to him.

Maeva Yaro

Maeva Yaro

Maeva Yaro

Major: Psychology
Maeva is West African and moved to the U.S. from France when she was 10 years old.
She wants to be a cardiothoracic surgeon one day and is fascinated by the human heart. “[The heart] is about the size of a fist, but ...
it’s so mighty and powerful.”

Jaden Basdeo

Jaden Basdeo

Jaden Basdeo

Major: Business
"There’s no language barrier with music. It’s just the easiest way to communicate. Anyone can talk about music, can speak the same language through music. If you can feel whatever you’re playing, that’s the easiest way to get to know somebody."

Olga Ineza

Olga Ineza

Olga Ineza

Major: Finance and Data Analytics 
“It’s OK to have different passions that you want to pursue ... Life isn’t linear, and you’re going to have so many side quests and niche things about you that you build over time. And that’s not something to be afraid of, to be multifaceted.”

Devi Dehaney

Devi Dehaney

Devi Dehaney

Major: Marketing and Data Analytics
Devi is VP of the Data Analytics Society, treasurer of the Marketing Communications Club, part of the student Advisory Board for Business and Accounting and member of both the Finance Club and CEO Club. She dreams of running her own nonprofit organization one day. 

Angelina Mangroo

Angelina Mangroo

Angelina Mangroo

Major: Nursing
Angelina has a tradition of surprising her friends for their birthdays. She’ll pretend to forget the occasion and then sneak into their dorms to decorate or just show up at their door with cake! 

Youseff Shihadeh

Youseff Shihadeh

Youseff Shihadeh

Major: Pre-Physician Assistant | Minor: English
When he needs to unwind, Youseff is just as likely to be found lifting at the gym or baking some cookies. “... From the moment [I start] whisking the eggs to sifting the flour, adding the butter to watching it rise in the oven ... it reminds me of what home is.”